Ok, I didn't vote, I just made this up a long time ago during the previous election... Back when I thought I was funny.
I had to work today, so I didn't get a chance to go out and vote. But in all honesty, I really don't care about politics and I have serious doubts about our whole democratic system in general. Well, not in our system per se, but in the people that run our government. The way I look at it, there wasn't any good party to vote for. Each had their own leader who's a dumb old guy who's so out of touch with the country, and each had their own promises that they won't keep... And what's with all the smearing?! I can't believe people would vote for somebody who slandered the opposition. It's like voting for somebody who only focused on the problems and pointed fingers rather than figuring out solutions.
I feel that it won't matter who I vote for. Big deal, the conservatives won this time. We'll let them screw us around for 10 years or so until we change to liberal and they screw us around and so goes the cycle. I've never felt any loyalty to any particular party because none of them ever get around to what they say they'll do. So who really cares?
I am not without hope in our government, however. The first party to abolish taxes will win my support. Hopefully they're not the antichrist.
Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have unicorns to chase.
Hmm, and they call me cynical... though I have to admit, I do agree with you on almost everything here. Except that I voted Green! :D
Did you know that you're supposed to get an hour off work to vote? You could have had a nice paid coffee break... oh well...
And I've finally done as you wished, Neil, I'm commenting!! Can I hear the cheers? So when are you going to come visit me at work?
Dang, what riding are you in? My ballot didn't look like that at all! I totally would've voted for Springsteen, he is, afterall the Boss. Hopefully next election (should be in about six weeks thanks to another useless minority government) Bruce will run in my riding, until then we'll all just have to put up with Harper (AKA Mulroney Jr) and all his hairbrained conservative antics (can't wait for Meech Lake jr, GST jr, and suing the very country you used to lead for 50 million dollars jr.)
So sorry Neil, I didnt see your previous comment.
With regards to your Jan 15 post, its hard for me to comment on this. I personally feel that I've yet to hear God's voice. Or, being able to differentiate between what I want, and what I should.
Passion for God comes and goes, unfortunately. Its subjectivity ruled by levels of happiness in choices I end up making on my own.
And quite often, passion for life clashes with passion for God. Thats why its difficult. To know how to douse one and when to flame the other. Some say its possible for both..but It gets tiring.
I wont lie. Im tired. And very very lost.
Listen? listen harder? Is this why non-believers say that our God's an egoistical God by having to make us work so hard for His rewards?
Sorry, its almost 2am and im barely aware of what im typing..i usually edit my comments but Im exhausted. Shall chat with u about this soon.
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