I'm seriously disappointed with the direction Fox Pictures has gone with its Alien and Predator (and Alien vs Predator) series.
Ripley being born through a test tube and genetically altered into a hybrid human/xenomorph? Seriously.
Danny Glover having an easier time killing a predator than Arnold Schwarzenegger? Seriously.
Alien vs Predator? I mean, come on. The xenomorph may have razor sharp teeth and claws, and is highly agile. But the predator is a highly intelligent, technologically advanced being with superb killer instinct. And 2 of them die in the first fight scene - by the SAME ALIEN! Seriously, Fox. Seriously.
On that note, watch the movies (except alien vs predator (pure rubbish)). Seriously, the age-old forbidden love romance movies are getting old. They're so cliché, so american. I say we go back to the good ol' days of cheesy monster action flicks. I love cheering for the monsters! ;p
"... I've found that self-righteousness is very comforting. But Jesus is quite clear on this point. He does not mince words. He says you even have to love the whiners, the bullies, and the people who think they're better than you. And you have to stick up for the innocent." (250-51)
She writes a lot about her son and it's obvious how precious he is to her. Somewhere near the end she tells a story about the two of them snorkeling together. Way before this point, I've noticed that she has a lot of hang-ups with keeping her son safe and she muses and sighs over every decision, be it minute or grand, concerning her little Sam. My mind started to wander from the words even though my eyes were still on auto-pilot (as I always do, and then I have to read the page over again). And I began to imagine what it would be like to have a child of my own. A little mini-Neil running around. (S)He would mean the world to me. And then I thought about how much I must mean to my parents. I thought of my dad and how proud he must have been when I was a little kid. He would take me fishing every weekend and we'd keep the bass, perch, and pickeral; and throw away the catfish. How precious I must have been to him. And then I lost it. I couldn't breathe. In that epiphanic moment, I realize how much of a sorry-ass of a son I've been. They beckon me every night to spend a little time with them, but I shrug them and their stupid scrabble game off (seriously, I hate scrabble). All they really want is to spend time with me (why don't they ever play video games with me then?!). Today, I understand how fortunate I am to still have both my parents who still love each other very much and love me. And all I've done lately is take them for granted.
Anyway, yeah, I seriously recommend the book to all y'all girls in the house what! what! what! lawl.
Random facts:
uno. Number of times I've said 'seriously' in this post: 10 (if you count this line)
dos. Hardest paragraph for me to write was the last one. The screen kept getting blurry from my eyes welling up. ;p
tres. I want to meet a lady who's pretty on the outside and beautiful on the inside. Somebody like this. E-crush? Definitely. *le sigh*
Edit: I found this quote somewhere from some american whose identity I won't devulge to protect him from ridicule. All you need to know is that he's from Nevada...
“i was never a person to classify others into categories or titles but i guess you could call him my best friend. through the thick of it all we are able to withstand the 34 degrees for more than a few hours at a time, in the deepest greys of the night, fighting off the shivering and constant trembles in our voices that result from being out in the cold too long.”
Ok, 34 degrees. That's about 1 degree celsius. If you're from Winnipeg, you're thinking the exact same thing I'm thinking. THAT'S T-SHIRT AND SHORTS WEATHER! PUA HAHAHAHA!
Hey! I just bought blue like jazz (it was on sale) haven't read it yet though, finishing up the Narnia series first. Hope it's as good as you say.
And about the whole appreciating the parents thing... I've found it so much easier when I'm away from home and just visit. It's basically the fact that you start taking them for granted because they're just always there. The conversations are (or can be) so much more meaningful when you have to make a point of talking to them. On the other hand, you need to think about your priorities (or at least I know I do) when you find most of your time is spent alone, focused on your own wants and needs. Play scrabble once a week, or find some other thing to agree on (maybe do Kareoke together).
will you really sponsor me?
I definitely don't take my parents for granted. But they think I do at times when their superbly overwhelmed. It can get really hurtful at times and hard to take. I've always been one to sit there and listen to them. take it even if it's killing me inside. But a day or two later after i've cried my eyes out, slunk all the way down to my deepest low, find myself lost in space and locked away in my room (only because i enjoy being a hermit too...haha)everything turns out fine. I thank God for the heart and strength he's given me. sometimes we can all be selfish and lose our cool. I'm glad to know Jesus and a friend who calls and runs off to eat sushi. haha.. jk.. Your a lucky guy to have such parents. your not so bad either. your playlist... WOOT! maybe i can borrow that book in the future. I'll letch know. nights.
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