I always imagined my life as a movie. Writer, producer, director, main character. Have you ever wondered what the soundtrack to your life would be? Here's mine:
Opening Credits: Seishun Kyousoukyoku - Sambomaster
Waking, getting ready for the day Scene: Chocolate - Snow Patrol
Walking to School Scene: Cold Hard B**** - Jet
Walking Home Scene: Come Away With Me - Norah Jones
Summer moments scene: Take Me Out - Franz Ferdinand
Party/BBQ/Hanging out with friends scene: Life is Life - Opus
Driving Scene: Somebody Told Me - The Killers
Moments of Joy with Significant Other (like in There's Something About Mary) Scene: Just What I Needed - The Cars
Break Up Scene: The Scientist - Coldplay
Depressed Scene: Life - Our Lady Peace
Month Later after Break Up Scene: The Ex - Billy Talent
Training/Running until my lungs explode Scene: Last Train Home - Lost Prophets
Motivational/Rugby/Ultimate Frisbee scene: Artist in the Ambulance - Thrice; Song 2 - Blur
End of Summer after winning the Ultimate Frisbee Championship Scene: Your Hand In Mine (with strings) - Explosions in the Sky
Fight Scene: Dive For You - Boom Boom Satellites
Death/Funeral Scene: Grief and Sorrow - Naruto OST
Goodbye Scene: Fix You - Coldplay
Don't Dream it's Over - Sixpence None the Richer
Closing Credits: A Little Help from my Friends - Joe Cocker; The Impression That I Get - Mighty Mighty Bosstones
I've had too much time to think about this. Now I tag...
Feel free to tag me with your survey stuff, and I'll feel free to not comply.
Would you like a copy of my soundtrack? I can send you one. I can and will. Just gimme a shout, email, call, comment, tag on the tagboard, instant message, singing telegram, can & string transmission, or kick to the face, and I'll make the necessary arrangements. This isn't limited to Winnipeg folk. If you live out of the city, I'd be more than happy to mail it to you. No need to pay postage.
I've done it before and I'll do it again. I know you all want one.
*cough* Janet who visits like twice a day, but never comments or tags or anything. *cough*
But seriously, if they really did make a movie about my life. I would hope that they would show the way God's love has changed me. Because everything good in my life is because of Him. I can't take credit for any of it. In the whole grand scheme of things, this movie was never about me, it's about His love for me and how much it has affected those around me. Everything likeable about me is from Him. Thanks God. *high fives God*
Next week (or sooner... most likely later): List of movies I want to see.
Great Selection of songs, I'd Like a copy of the Soundtrack to Neil's Life.
You put alot of thought into that haven't you?
( was that copied and pasted from somewhere/)
In fact, can I have 2?
"Nothing will shake a man--or at any rate a man like me--out of his merely
verbal thinking and his merely notional beliefs. He has to be knocked
silly before he comes to his senses. Only torture will bring out the
truth. Only under torture does he discover it himself."
-- C.S. Lewis
So... Does that mean you want a copy??
hey, i remember playing 'comments'-tag with you on our xanga sites (through jon wong). he told me that he got to meet pam through you and i was SO jealous cuz i haven't seen her in a while. anyways, i've heard some pretty funny stories of you from jon (the 'brown discount' thing always cracks me up). so yeah, that's it.
Honestly, I haven't heard of most of those songs, but I know you generally have good taste in music. So can I have a copy of the soundtrack? :D Oh, and I definitely think you put too much thought into it, but we all have our little quirks.
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