I'm really thankful that there are a handful of brave souls that are willing to stick their necks out and sell programs with some guy's testimony written in it and sell DVD's with his biography in it... but what about our testimonies? Our stories? I never told anybody this, but I didn't stop attending CCC because I was too busy, or even because of my other lame excuse that I'm too lazy to make new friends. In fact, I love to meet new people. To be completely honest, I stopped going because the way CCC does ministry is totally not my style. I can't just get into somebody's face and start telling them about Jesus and how He wants to change them. It's so obnoxious, so intrusive, so... impersonal. Jesus never did ministry like that. He always took the time to listen to people, to eat with them - which in those days were a big deal. Imagine having dinner with royalty, that's how it was. People were so ashamed that Jesus, the coolest guy on earth, wanted to sit at the same table with them. But I digress.
I think that if Jesus came here today, we'd have the same scene of him clearing the temple all pissed off. We've been doing it all wrong. No amount of organizing or programming can compare to the love of God. It's not up to us to save souls, Only God's mercy alone can do that. All that God commands us to do is to love one another, and that doesn't take a whole lot of effort when you realize that you're not responsible for the salvation of others. Indeed, tonight has only reaffirmed what I've been feeling deep down inside my heart, thinking in the back of my head, and helped me to form my own type of ministry. One that's based on relationships. A friendship goes deeper than any retarded tract, novel, movie, or magazine. I've seen it on all the faces that I have met.
It is my prayer that I will be a blessing to those around me and to everyone I meet. This will only serve as the catalyst to something greater, something new.
"To penguins." -Tony, the beat poet, as he raised his glass.
Seriously, you should compile your posts into a book. You remind me a lot of Donald Miller. But I'm often impacted by what you write (esp. 'bored at work 1').
Yeah, I feel the same about CCC, one of the reasons the staff and I didn't see eye to eye.
Though we don't hang out too often, you're definetely a blessing to me! God b'w'ye
Neil! i see don't feel like your falling.. grood to heard. I hope all is well. too bad we haven't met. one day... remember that one time.... =p
Hey I totally agree with what you mean about this "Reaching out" to ppl thing. Ive never fancied the idea of just preaching and telling ppl whats the best or right way to live, despite knowing it from the Bible..cos thats just very off-putting. Why the hell would a friend, let alone a stranger, follow what u have to say or what "your bible" has to say about life when its natural for ppl to want to assume its THEIR life, its THEIR rules. Very natural human desposition...so unless we build that friendship first..and a genuine one at that (based on truly loving a fellow human being), then can we slowly show our love and care through the very fact that Jesus first loved us. Same thing Neil..I Love God. Very very much...what has been pushing me away through the years though is the Church, unfortunately. Sometimes I walk out just thinking its so full of BS...and Im ashamed to admit that the thought even comes to my head, but its the truth...some churches spending all the church money on high tech sounding systems, decor etc etc..churches who tell ppl they're damned if they dont do this, dont do that..yet when service is over spend the free time gossiping about each other etc. Shit man. Alot of BS...
pity i cant really discuss more abt this with you in person..im pretty sure this allows for a very interesting coffee session. Heh. =)
Have a gd weekend.
thanks for your comment. your last paragraph of wanting to be a blessing to those around you is exactly how i feel =)
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