Haiku 1
Her smile still haunts me
A yearning to turn back time
To relive that day.
Wish I could forget
Memories can't be erased
Burns will heal, one day.
I want to ask why
But I won't get an answer
Yelling at the wind.
I can do better
The sea's filled with many fish
She's one of many.
My future looks bright
I said I wouldn't settle
But for her, I would.
Haiku 2
Reunion attempt
Have broken years of silence
Had nothing to lose.
She makes no effort
My resolve remains the same
To love her, always.
Any ideas for titles?
Bonus question: What is the underlying theme of this post? Marks will be given based on originality and content.
heh.. "it's over man let her go" where you get that poster from? anyway. updates.. yah! sheluvs
underlying theme of this post? you have way too much time to think. Good haikus though ^^ Haiku2 should be named 'Futile'.
haha the new franz ferdinand is great! :)
Found you from Becks' site, following from your xanga, which had a ton of naruto and ninja stuff on it. Went to the ninja yashiki in Mie prefecture two weeks ago, thought you might be mildly interested in the post.
The first bit is about climbing fuji, skip down about halfway.
Too Bad We Weren't Ninjas
Hey friend =)
You know, I dont quite deserve half the accolades you've so kindly put on my blog. In fact, I think YOU're the good writer here. Anyhow, as for the personality comment..I think I can only attest to some of the attributes..most of them are way above my head =) No where near them yet...but one can only try, hey?
And your insomnia...yeah I've been suffering for the past 10 months. heh. I would seriously suggest milk. Milk helps. Chocolate milk. Oh and throw in some oreos..u may not sleep, but at least you'd lie awake full and happy.
you should title them "please don't tell her"
great great song btw by an even greater artist.
i love him
and not you
i like jokes
don't you?
you lie...when you say you sit around and do nothing...you have an incredible talent for writing, and for making people understand what's going on in that head of yours, despite your protestations that people don't understand you and you like it that way. this poem says otherwise my friend. i love it!
sushi soon?
I often feel the same of my first car. My beloved 82 Toyota Supra.
She's gone, and no longer mine. I miss her and dream of her, but she belongs to someone else. I know the Supra I have know is greater in every way, but the first will always have the first place in my heart.
You have an amazing way with words.
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