I remember it like it was yesterday. My first year of University. I carpooled with an old high school friend, Thomas, that year. Though we both graduated the same year, he was finishing his final year towards his computer science degree, and I was just starting mine (I had taken a long break after high school). Every morning, I'd sit in his car and listen to his crappy music. It was either that or talk radio. During the lulls in traffic, he'd turn to me and offer me advice and pointers about all the little facets that the campus had to offer. He'd tell me about all the nooks and crannies and best kept secrets like which lounge was the quietest and had the softest couches for sleeping, or the quickest route possible from building A to building B. Now that I think about it, I probably wouldn't have lasted very long if it wasn't for his guidance. I should remind myself to thank him one day.
We were walking from the parking lot towards our respective classes. All of a sudden, Thomas tugs on my sleeve.
"This building..."
"What about it?"
"Duff Roblin."
"They have the cleanest bathrooms."
I paused. "Okay..."
"If you ever need to go, top floor, Duff Roblin."
"Uhh thanks, Thomas." I shook my head.
"What do they study in that building anyway?"
Thomas shrugged.
Fast forward to today. I'm climbing the steps of Duff Roblin...
"Thomas sat here." I thought to myself as I stared down at a shiny porcelain bowl. I sat.
5 minutes later...
I was in awe of how quiet it was up here. Just then, another gentleman walked in to use the urinal. I could see his feet peeking from under the barrier. Do you ever just freeze and try to make as little noise as possible when somebody walks in and you're on the throne in a public washroom? The gentleman concluded his business, zipped up and moved away from my stall. His footsteps grew fainter. I heard the door swing open and shut abruptly. Silence... That bastard didn't wash his hands!!! I let it slide this time since we were in the pristine, spotless bathroom of Duff Roblin's top floor. Nostalgia swept over me as I reminisced over what seemingly was a pointless conversation was actually a grave matter of hygiene.
In the bible, Thomas was the one who doubted. Not my Thomas, he was wise.
It's been 3 years since that conversation. I still have no idea what they do in Duff Roblin.
*Disclaimer: One should always wash their hands after using a public bathroom.
you are hilarious.
haha... what nice yet disgusting story. =D hope all is well my friend. ~ A-Leng
you're fricking hilarous. should have checked out duff roblin while i had the chance. hmm, duff roblin...psych, sociology i think?? do ya miss me?? i should come back for old time's sake, no?! or maybe we should just hang out. what say you about sunday night? coming? puulllleeease?
seriously...pick a new song. september's over. the song died a LONG time ago. hahaha
I believe it is more essential that you wash BEFORE you GO!
Let me explain: often in your day you touch and use everyday items. To list a few: door knows, table tops, pens, light switches, all that has been touched by an unknown number and type of people. Anybody who has touched anything else before has transfered something to everything. Before touching yourself, I think it is essential to wash your hands BEFORE doing your Wiz Biz and leave the water running, because if you touch the tap to turn it off, it was touched by someone else who turned it ON immediately after touching their own SCHLONG, THUS transferring anything to your hands then ultimately to your DONG.
If you leave the water running, then don't have to touch anything and the water is ready for you to wash afterwards. You also slip in preparing the paper towel between washings as to not touch the towel dispenser handle before touching your own HANDLE. Bottom Line:Wash your hands BEFORE touching yourself is more essential to your health then to wash after.
I'd like to believe that my TAP is cleaner then everything I touched before it, and therefore deserves the cleanest treatment.
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