Thursday, June 02, 2005


Lots of things have been happening this week. A crazy storm in my life. But I know I'll get through it somehow. He's taken me thus far already. And I know from experience that He's in control of everything. All I can do... is smile.

I've been contemplating lately about all my friends. Are relationships just borne out of convenience? Like in high school, I was in french immersion and so our class was together ever since kindergarten. We've been through ups and downs and after we graduated, that was it. I haven't seen any of them since - except for a couple guys whom I still barely keep in touch with. We meet up like twice a year and we carry on like nothing's changed and we reminisce about the good old days. But it's saddening that we don't hang out often because I really enjoy their company.

It seems to me that friends are friends until they stop trying. I keep saying to myself: If I really love this person, I won't give up on them, because God never gave up on me. Even still, it's hard to keep trying, because these eyes of mine don't see very far. And what happens when they don't try? It's like that person passed away. Gone forever... until heaven. I know I'm not making any sense.

Annie, I know that you'll probably never read this but...
I was wrong.
I'm sorry.
I miss you.

Things will probably never be the same...
All I can offer you... is

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