Thursday, July 13, 2006

Turning Point

Indeed, God works in mysterious ways.

No Rachel, I will not explain this statement... here.

I rarely talk about God stuff, but it seems everybody I know is on this Jesus high at the moment. So I feel somewhat obligated to talk about my journey thus far...

Please bear in mind that the opening statement has nothing to do with the following, but it's appropriate anyway...

In the words of Opus: "Life is life."

I've been reading a book that's been opening my mind a bit about my worldview and relationship with others. More specifically, how I see my peers and coworkers.

What's the title? =D

I used to think that my prayers never worked, because I never saw any results from them... but I think it's because they were mostly selfish requests. All my non-selfish ones, as in prayers for my loved ones have been getting answered. A lot.

A couple girls I know now have boyfriends (yes I prayed for that - well I prayed that they would find husbands actually, we'll see what happens). This is after a dryspell of years. YEARS!

My parents' health has improved. The past year has been difficult for them.

My sister and her husband, whom I affectionately refer to as "White guy who wants to be black (Wigga for short)", are now attending church again, along with their three kids. This is after a long LONG period of absenteeism and bitterness or whatever you wanna call it.

A dear, beautiful girl, whom I've never met, finally understands what it means to follow God. I've known her for a couple years now and her spiritual welfare was such a burden on me. But God answered. Even talking to her on the phone is like talking to a different person compared to past conversations. It's so amazing and terrifying that God still works His magic even with my lack of faith and pitiful prayers.

So that's that. Prayer works. Just not the way I'd like it to. I wish I could express how I feel about these things, but it hasn't really hit me yet, nor would I have the words to convey the hope / bewilderment / insecurity I'm feeling. Or... maybe I just did. Perhaps there are some selfless people out there that are willing to pray for me that I would find wisdom in such trying times? And perhaps even meet a nice young bipolar-narcoleptic dancing queen of this current year within the local area?

Ladies, if you're looking for a man, I can definitely give you my number pray for you.

Moving along...

Have you noticed how emo kids think their style is so original? Sorry kids, it's been done, it's a little decade called the 80's.


The only difference is that 80's music is better.

Well... it's been a week since that fateful day and that earth-shattering technique was unleashed. I'd say all of the World's major problems have been solved thanks to one man, and one move.